Lögberg-Heimskringla - 14.06.1985, Page 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 14.06.1985, Page 8
8-WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 14. JÚNÍ 1985 —^i I Icelandic Content published books, magazines and other interesting reading material. They have recorded their own his- tory but their greatest accomplish- ment must be the Icelandic Depart- ment at the University of Manitoba. It is amazing that they managed to contribute well over $200,000 to the founding of the Icelandic Chair in the early 1950s. Thousands of them have attended courses at the Department during the years, some studied grammar, others literature and still some Norse mythology. They surely remember those days with gratitude because even though they may not have graduated fluent in spoken or writ- ten Icelandic, their study brought them closer to the land and the cul- ture of their forefathers. The Icelandic Chair is more than an educational institution. Every year all kinds of inquiries reach the department from all over the world. No other Western-Icelandic es- tablishment or organization comes close to the department in this respect. Universities, libraries and public offices constantly seek infor- mation or advice. Last but not least, the Icelandic Chair's Icelandic Studies Series which has published some very fine scholarly works is gaining world recognition. The Icelanders in North America are proud when their Chair is mentioned and recognized for its merit. Its presence in the Icelandic community in North America is im- portant and rewafding. Let us keep on supporting it. Donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla In Loving Memory of my cousin Grettir Leo Johannson who passed away May 27/85 Love Helga Paul — California........$ 50.00 Icelandic National League presents MAGNUS MAGNUSSON internationally known Scholar, Author, Saga translator, at the Winnipeg Art Gallery Monday, June 1.7 — 7:30 p.m. This independence show is entitled "Iceland Saga" 1 Hr. Film & Slide Presentation on the History & Culture of Iceland and the Saga Sites. Tickets $3.00 Contact: Mrs. Roed — 237-0612 or Lögberg-Heimskringla 284-7688 This space made available courtesy Neil Bardal Inc. Family Funeral Counsellors 984 Portage Ave., 786-4716 Icelanders in North America have during their years on this side of the Atlantic accomplished much. They have published a weekly for almost one hundred years (uninterrupted), Engagement EYFORD - NICKLIN Mr. Jorundur Eyford of Vogar, Manitoba is pleased to announce the engagement of his daughter, Arlene Elizabeth to Roger Wayne son of Mr. and Mrs. George Nicklin of Winni- peg, Manitoba. . The wedding is to take place on Saturday, August 24, 1985 at 1:30 p.m. at the Crescent Fort Rouge United Church, Wardlaw and Nassau N, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Our Mistake About a year ago we published a write-up which included the photograph below. The persons on the photo are Agúst and Guðrún Ey- jolfsson not Agúst and Sigríður Ey- Correction In a write-up an awful mistake was made. The story stated that Joe Mar- tin's mother, Mrs. Margaret Martin had passed away. This is not true. She is in good health and resides in Winnipeg. She is best known as Margaret Martin and was born in Saskatchewán, not Iceland. We apologize to her, Mr. Joe Mar- tin, and all concerned who were hurt through this error. jolfsson as was previously stated. We apologize to those concerned. J.Þ. Minnist TiETEL í erfðaskróm yðor Working To Keep Our Herítage Alive CANADA ICELAND FOUNDATION SECRETARY: 1 - 204 - 475-8064 40 Garnet Bay Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 0L6 Scholarships Offered Canada Iceland Foundation We invite students of Icelandic or part-Icelandic descent to apply for the following scholarships which are offered or processed by The Canada Iceland Foundation. EMILIA PALMASON STUDENT AID FUND Two awards of $500.00 each to be given in 1985. The recipients must be of good moral character, Icelandic descent, college calibre and primarily in need of help to continue their studies in high school, college or at University level. They are asked to sign a pledge that "somewhere along the highway of life'' they will try to provide comparable help to another needy student. Closing date for applications June 30th. THORVALDSON SCHOLARSHIP One scholarship of $500.00 to be awarded in 1985. This annual scholarship will be awarded to a student in University or proceeding into a University in Canada or the United States. The recipient must demonstrate financial need and high scholastic ability. Closing date for applications Sept. 15. EINAR PALL & INGIBJORG JONSSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP One scholarship of $500.00 to be awarded in 1985. Award to be determined by academic standing and leadership qualities. To be of- fered to a High School graduate proceeding to a Canadian University or the University of Iceland. Closing date for applications Sept. 15. THE CANADA ICELAND FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP One scholarship of $500.00 to be awarded in 1985. Award to be determined by academic standing and leadership qualities. To be offered to a University student studying towards a degree in any Canadian University. Closing date for applications Sept. 15. The GUNNAR SIMUNDSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP One scholarship of $300.00 to be awarded annually. This scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in a Canadian university who demonstrates high scholastic abiiity and financial need. Closing date for applications Sept. 15. Students wishing to apply are asked to submit applications with supporting documents indicating scholarship applied for. Information and application forms are available by telephoning 475-8064 or contacting: CANADA ICELAND FOUNDATION Application forms may c/o Mrs. P.H. Westdal, Secretary also be picked up at 40 Garnet Bay Lögberg-Heimskringla office Winnipeg, MB. R3T 0L6



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