Lögberg-Heimskringla - 14.06.1985, Page 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 14.06.1985, Page 7
WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 14. JÚNÍ 1985-7 The Icelandic Association of Chicago OLOF (LULLA) EGILSSON'S ADDRESS The following are abridged ex- cerpts of Lulla's address at Thorra- blot which she titled: 1960 ÞORRA- BLÓT/SACRIFICE TO ÞORRI 1985, AN ANNIVERSARY ADDRESS. After recounting the origins and history of Thorrablot since the Mid- dle Ages, Lulla continues: "(In 1959) the Icelandic Associa- tion of Chicago was one year old. At an officers' meeting held October 1, 1959 at the home of Valur and Ólöf Egilsson the first seed of an idea for Þorrablót was planted. Instrumental in planting this seed were Val's mother, Margrét Árnadóttir, visiting from Iceland, and yours truly. At the Annual Business Meeting held 10 days later Þráinn Sigurðsson and Valur Egilsson were reelected presi- dent and vice president, respectively. The newly elected officers met Oc- tober 28, 1959 at the home of Gissur and Sigrid Brynjolfsson (Gissur had been elected Officer-at-large). The lit- tle seed planted about a month earl- ier had sprouted, and they nursed it and rehearsed it, as it says in a song somewhere! They plotted to bribe the Gods, come wicked Chicago winter. After some legwork, discussion and negotiations the Norske Club Kedzie Boulevard in Chicago agreed to take us in, out of sheer kinship, I think. On February 5, 1960 the officers, meeting at Val's home, decided to take the plunge. The date was set for March 5, 1960, and the following food order was sent to Iceland: 15 kg Smoked leg of lamb (hangikjöt) 7.5 kg Canned barbecued sheephead meat (svið) 3 kg Dried fish (harðfiskur) Small order Pickled whale blubber (hvalur) The food was supposed to be ship- ped Air Mail but February 28 came and no food in the mail. March 1, 2, 3 and 4 passed and still no food! Valur' and I were getting pretty ner- vous. We had a 1/4 barrel brine cured lamb meat (saltkjöt) so we de- cided: OK, if the shipment does not arrive tomorrow we will serve the saltkjöt, get some herring and sar- dines and call it Þorrablót. I dragged Cancellation Announcement The Icelandic Association of Chicago regrets to announce that the 17-of-June celebration planned and scheduled for June 15, 1985 at the Marriott Lincolnshire has been can- celled. A telephone survey of a num- ber of members performed two weeks after the original announce- ment promised minimal attendance. The Icelandic Association event clearly lost against conflicting ones including graduations, weddings and vacations. This turn of events is a great dis- appointment for the Officers and the L7-of-June Committee of the Associ- ation. We regret any inconvenience for those who had already made ar- rangements to attend. SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1985 As an alternative to the formal but now cancelled celebration the Ice- landic Association of Chicago invites those members and friends whose schedule permits to join the Associa- tion's Officers and other members for dinner on Saturday, June 22, 1985 at the Scandinavian-American Cultural Society ("Scandinavian Club") in Ar- lington Heights. This will be an informal affair with cocktails from 6 PM in the restaurant bar followed by dinner at 7:30 PM in the main dining room. The following choice of entrees, each prepared Scandinavian style, is offered: ribeye steak, roast duckling, plaice. Includ- ed are salad, dessert and coffee. The Egill Skallagrímsson Framh. af bls. 6 í bakborðssíðuna, upp til stjórnborðs. Egill Skallagrímsson lá á hliðinni með reykháf í sjó. Skipið flatrak undan fárviðrinu og sjóirnir skullu yfir það án afláts. Menn kepptust við vinnuna þar sem þeir stóðu í sjó sumir hverjir og brátt sáust þess merki, að skipið væri örlítið farið að réttast. En um leið og skipið réttist, byrjaði sjórinn, sem komizt hafði í lestina, að renna aftur um tunnelinn, aftur í kyndistöðina og aftur í vélarrúmið. Sjórinn í kyndistöðinni var orðinn svo heitur, að ekki var lengur stætt í honum. Erlendur Helgason 1. vélstjóri hafði staðið manna lengst í sjónum og kynnt þann eina fýr, sem ennþá lifði í, en þrátt fyrir það var gufuþrýstingurinn mjög tekinn að lækka. Erlendur var orðinn brenndur á fótum og alla leið upp fyrir mitti. Hann flautaði upp til skipstjórans og sagði honum að það gufuafl, sem ennþá væri eftir, yrði að nota til þess að koma sjónum fyrir borð svo hægt væri að kynda upp á ný. Erlendur setti dælur í gang svo og jektor og þetta gekk sæmilega. Skipið réttist eftir því sem mönnunum í lestinni vannst að kasta fiskinum yfir í stjórnborðssíðuna, en nú fór gufuþrýstingurinn þverrandi, dælurnar hægðu á sér og ljósavélin stanzaði og litlu síðar skall yfir hana sjór er skipið valt og nú var ekki um annað að gera en ausa skipið. Sem betur for voru til nægar fötur, og nú röðuðu mennirnir ser upp vélarrúmsstigann og aftur eftir ganginum. Valdimar Halldórsson stóð neðstur og hélt sér í skrúfstykkið, en með hinni hendinni sökkti hann fötunum - fyrir aftan vélina. Hann rétti fötuna næsta manni og svo koll af kolli upp stigann, aftur ganginn of út þar, sem efri hluti hurðarinnar var hafðour opinn. Menn drógu ekki af sér, og föturnar gengu eins fljótt og auðið var. Kveikt var á lukt, svo að sæist til, og þegar allt var hljóðnað og engin vél í gangi, heyrðu mennirnir, hvernig sjórinn löðrungaði skipið og hvæsið í óveðrinu var yfirþyrmandi. Uppi í brú hafði Snæbjörn skipstjóri látið binda stýrið hart í bakborða. Skipið lá á lögginni, og í verstu hryðjunum fór það næstum því á lens og svalaði fram eftir. Menn kepptust við sem þ'eir máttu, og þótt flestum væri engin gleði í huga höfðu ýmsir uppi gamanmál, sem léttu andrúmsloftið. Framh. í næsta blaði fixed price for each dinner is $16. — which we will collect on location. Dinner reservations should be made directly with the Scandinavian Club at 870-1710. Please mention that you will join the Icelandic Asso- ciation group. It is suggested that res- ervations be made as early as pos- sible and no later than one week be- fore. (Note that our group will be in direct competition with the restau- rant's regular clientele for seating, so late reservations may not be avail- able.) Please also indicate your choice of entree when you make your res- ervation. Location: Scandinavian-American Cultural Society, 2323 North Wilke Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois. Directions: Take Route 53 to Pala- tine Road, exit east-bound. Turn left at first stoplight at Kennecott. About 50 yards past the intersection turn left again (at the Greenbriar sign) in- to Wilke Road, which is a frontage road to Route 53. The Scandinavian Club is located on the right about 3/4 mile down the road. JOIN ICELANDIC CANADIAN FRÓN Send membership fee of $5.00 singie or $10.00 family to Scandinavian Centre 764 Erin Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 2W4 Telephone: 774-8047 TAYLOR BRAZZELL McCAFFREY Barristers & Solicitors 4th Floor — 386 Broadway Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2R6 Winnipe^ phone 949-1312 Gimli phone 642-7955 Winnipeg Beach phone 389-2999 out 'all the pots and cooked the salt- kjöt that night. But Lo and Behold! At 12 noon on Saturday, March 5, the mailman de- livered the goodies. Out came all the pots again and 15 kg hangikjöt were cooked. At 5 PM Valur and I were, food in hand, at Norske Club. At 6 o'clock 45 cold and hungry Vikings started to arrive. Yes, we had a raffle and the prizes were: 8 beer glasses and a bottle of champagne. Consul General Árni Helgason was our speaker and talk- ed about the tradition of Þorrablót in Iceland. Jón S. Jónsson, then a student of music at Northwestern University played the piano. He brought the house down with his per- formance. As I recall the evening lasted well past the designated hour of 1 AM, with dancing to taped music and community singing accompanied by Jón. So here we are tonight, celebrating our 25th Anniversary of the ancient tradition of Þorrablót. It may not be an earthshaking accomplishment, but it makes me feel good, and may- be a little proud, that we were the pioneers! Let's keep it going and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Needless to say the audience thanked Lulla for her talk and pres- entation with resounding applause.1 We thank you again, Lulla! Those wishing to receive a copy of the en- tire text of the address (with an ap- pendix received since) please contact the Secretary of the Association. THE ICELANDIC UNITARIAN CONNECTION by V. EMIL GUDMUNDSON $14.95 (Cdn.) $11.00 (USA) Rural Outlets: H.P. Tergeson Store, Gimli, Man.; Palmi Palsson, Ar- borg, Man.; Johann Sigurdson, Lun- dar, Man. Winnipeg Outlets: Mary Scorer Books, 389 Graham Ave.; Eaton's Downtown Store; Book and Briar Patch, Grant Park Plaza; Book Browser, 61 Sherbrook St. Mail orders handled by G. Eric Bjornson, 321 Moorgate St., Winnipeg, Man. R3J 2L4. $16.50 (Cdn., postage incl.); $12.50 (USA, postage incl.); pre- payment requested. Bulk Orders: (5 or more books) eligible for discount up to 40%, will be billed for payment within 30 days — postage added to discount price. Look for a review of this book in the next issue of The Icelandic Canadian Magazine. Mr. David King and Mr. Eric Lister attend in Gimli and Riverton on the first and third Friday of each month and in Winnipeg Beach in the afternoon on the second and fourth Fri- day of each month. Office hours are held in Gimli at 3rd Avenue and Centre Street between the hours of 9:30 - 12:00 and 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. In Riverton, Mr. Kingor Mr. Lister attend in the Riverton Village office between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. 'i



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