Málfríður - 15.10.2011, Blaðsíða 23

Málfríður - 15.10.2011, Blaðsíða 23
References Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Crystal, D. (1988). The English Language. London: Penguin. Davíðsdóttir, S. (2006). Íslensk fyrirtæki á Norðurlöndum: aðferðir og orðspor. Jenkins, Jennifer (2003), World Englishes, London: Routledge. Kankaanranta, A. &  Louhiala-Salminen, L.  (2007). Business Communication in BELF, Business Communication Quarterly, March 2007, 70: 55–59. Kvaran, G. (2003). Icelandic language policy in past, present and future. Seminar Speech delivered at the European Federation of National Institutions for Language. Van Parijs, P. (2007). Tackling the Anglophone’s Free Ride. Fair linguistic cooperation with a global lingua franca“, in Towards More Linguistic Equality in Scientific Communication, special issue of AILA Review, Ulrich Ammond &Augusto Carli eds., 20, 72–86. Van Parijs, P. (2007) Europe‘s Linguistic Challenge, in The Language Question in Europe and Diverse Societies, Dario Castiglione & Chris Longman eds. Oxford: Hart, 217–253. Seidlhofer, Barbara; Breiteneder, Angelika; Pitzl, Marie-Luise. (2006). “English as a lingua franca in Europe”. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 26, 1–34. data is incomplete and I am reluctant to draw any final conclusions until an overall analysis has been complet- ed and the results can be fully explicated. In its totality, the study aims to explicate the actu- al communication skills that are required, used and expected to function within the Icelandic business environment and how successfully or unsuccessfully those skills are employed in a live setting. In essence, it could help answer calls for the assessment of what types of English skills are likely to lead to successful communication in international business. MÁLFRÍÐUR 23 Willkommen in der Welt des Lernens Multitalent Cornelsen Verlag • 14328 Berlin 9783060936717 x1AN_4C_stud Malfridur 1111.indd 20 x 13,8 cm, 4c Malfridur, Zeitschrift für isländische Fremdsprachenlehrer Kataloge und nähere Informationen erhalten Sie bei: friederike.obermeier @cornelsen-schulverlage.de oder unter www.cornelsen.de/daf Wer als Erwachsener eine Fremdsprache lernen möchte, braucht ein erstklassiges Lehrwerk. Ein Lehrwerk wie studio d. studio d berücksichtigt die Erwar tungen und Lerngewohn- heiten Erwach sener. Abwechslungs reiche Arbeitsformen garantieren leben dige Unterrichtsstunden, modernste didak- tische Methoden führen schnell zu sprachlichen Erfolgen. Auch das Medienangebot mit inter aktiver Unterrichts- vorbereitung, Whiteboard-Materialien, Audiotraining und Lernersoftware begeistert Lehrende und Lernende weltweit.



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