Alþingisbókin - 01.01.1696, Page 1

Alþingisbókin - 01.01.1696, Page 1
 5öóeóí>f tu rtfc ^aUtirt £at> fcm gtetítft ög ptrtmmeoor }ttrttt 'c v Q5C|Ranía<o«ítt»e«ííe9«^r(«r^pt,13e 3^0 1696* ■' W£t ítyta 0(t 03 jsorlíige $cl@&la 03 $eltat>Í3$ &í??0 WlutUt til £a«erup^ ftongU Wlapff* 2fmpímang a Sflanfcf/ efc* ©rftnf 2íívaríeð« íöm&eröne ícgmafía ftegafa/ S2r» Ö52? $)X?ie®tOWMl Z ^r,i;2í^3S)!S:©2í9?€^3t3@$32í^(Sfw« íáSoífrup/ &ttnttí íaníþtngs (Hrf parans <§j£)ftX(&9rt SXRaftfyyGfonat/ OJlcÍ) Gonfensog @an%c& pef6 J?«íopíe3« Canccll* CoHcgiíf fawpen^apn* l>Kwut> f 6^SCSí>0SS2(?/ SCp Socnt ©ttortrtfont/ 3U>t3tO 1696.



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